In the movie Star Wars, robot R2-D2 showed Jedi the 3D path to the top of the battle space ship to rescue Senator Palpatine. In this website app, we did the same thing. If you give R2-D2 a browser and add the store name into the URL (e.g. ), R2-D2 will show you the path to the store in a browser! If R2-D2 can search according to your words like Siri, then R2-D2 can automatically create a URL (e.g. ) and show you the path in a browser. If possible, it could be integrated with car and airplaneās driving assistant system. Google map and Bing map could also use this technology to add an earth 3D model feature to show airports and malls 3D directions. Many new customers of airports and malls need this kind of directions before they arrive at airports and malls.
This 3D Mall/Airport/Cruiseship Directory Website is for customers to find their way to the expected store in a multi-floor building. Blender is used to create the 3D model of the mall. Three.js is used to move the 3D model.
Last Update | 3 January 2023 |
Published | 14 December 2019 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Compatible Browsers | IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge |
Files Included | JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP |
Tags | blender, css, html, jquery, json, three.js |