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6Valley e-commerce - Delivery Man flutter app

6Valley e-commerce - Delivery Man flutter app

Category: Flutter
$29 Free
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Last updated: 04 Dec 24


Note: Purchase the 6Valley eCommerce System if you don’t purchase it yet. Because this is not an independent flutter app. This flutter app only works with 6Valley eCommerce System.

6Valley delivery man flutter app is the most important module of the 6Valley eCommerce system. Admin and Seller can assign an order to a Delivery man for delivered the order. The delivery man can see the delivery location, order details, and payment details. 6valley is a complete e-commerce system and its mobile app is developed by flutter. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to develop cross-platform applications for both Android and iOS, from a single codebase.

Last Update 21 November 2024
Published 9 February 2022
Files Included Dart, YAML, .kotlin, .swift
Software Version Flutter 3.x
Tags 6amtech, 6valley, 6valley delivery man app, 6valley eCommerce cms, e-commerce, e-commerce app, e-commerce mobile app, ecommerce, ecommerce android app, ecommerce flutter app, ecommerce website, flutter, flutter e-commerce app, multi-vendor e-commerce app