If you’ve missed out on Instagram, TikTok, and other social media trends, the Clubhouse app is booming this year. Having an app to allow users to customize their avatars is going to drive a lot of organic traffic. Let the users express themselves with a cool avatar border.
WHAT DOES THIS PRODUCT OFFER YOUThe app as shown in the video demo. Feel free to ask questions before buying.Assistance will be provided for any code-related questions. In-App Purchases are based on a simple version of the PurchaseKit framework which doesn’t support subscriptions. If you want subscriptions, then feel free to get the full PurchaseKit app template.
Last Update | 7 March 2021 |
Published | 6 March 2021 |
Compatible With | Swift |
Files Included | .xib/.nib |
Software Version | iOS 12 |
Tags | apps4world, avatar, border for clubhouse, borders, clubhouse, profile, swiftui |