With Cocktail Recipes you can make about 600 cocktails and drinks from 500 ingredients. Browse cocktails by using search and add your cocktails to favorites. Also you can check the most popular coktails and featured daily cocktail.
Best collection cocktail and mocktail drink recipes you love to make. Cocktail recipes are so easy to make using this application. For holidays , weekend parties appetizers and drinks are necessary. Learn mixing and making of cocktails and mocktails and be a mixologist. In this Christmas season make new cocktails and drinks for your family and friends.
This simple app is easy to use. Find the cocktail or mocktail drink you like to prepare using search option. Or you can tell this free cocktail app the ingredients you have. Then the app finds you cocktails you can make with it. How cool is that ?
Last Update | 3 November 2020 |
Published | 3 November 2020 |
Compatible With | Swift, Swift 2 |
Files Included | .xib/.nib |
Software Version | iOS 12, iOS 11, iOS 10.0.x, iOS 9.0.x |
Tags | alcohol, bar, bartender, flow, liquor, party, wine |