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Ehaul - Flutter E-Commerce UI KIT Template

Ehaul - Flutter E-Commerce UI KIT Template

Category: Flutter
$25 Free
Last updated: 11 Feb 20


E-Haul is a modern native E-Commerce application. Compiled through flutter version which is susceptible to iOS, Android react native users. Exceptional features with UI single code for curates libraries & tools. You would love to visit our blogging & newsletter sections. Comment your shopping experience & share it on your social media sites. Awe-inspiring shopping experience with customization widgets. Trendy, New arrived or flash sale product features are available for being a love-some experience.

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter reduces code development time. It provides a wide variety of ready-to-use widgets. Most of them are incredibly customizable, saving your time like no other framework before. In addition to numerous core layout widgets, Flutter provides a large set of Material and Cupertino widgets that perfectly mimic the behavior of each design language.

Basically any cross-platform framework provides a way to share codebase between the target platforms. But there are no such application frameworks that allow sharing both the UI code the UI itself besides Flutter.

Last Update 11 February 2020
Published 11 February 2020
Files Included Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift
Software Version Flutter 1.x
Tags e-commerce, e-commerce apps, flutter, flutter template, flutter theme, flutter ui kit, iOS app, mobile apps, mobile template, online shop, template, ui kit, user interface