This application is a Flutter chess game built using the latest version of Flutter (3.10.6) and Dart (3.0.6). The chess game is fully responsive and compatible with IOS, ANDROID, and WEB platforms. It incorporates all the necessary logic for chess moves, ensuring that the application runs flawlessly. Additionally, the code is clean, error-free, and free of warnings. I have included comments in each section of the code to facilitate learning and easy customization. As for licensing, I haven’t included any restrictions. Therefore, if you decide to purchase this application, feel free to upload it to the Play Store, App Store, or host it on your own. The choice is entirely yours. You are also welcome to add any features or make modifications to the application as you see fit. The app features a splash screen and a home page where you can play chess. When the game is over, a dialogue box will appear, and by clicking “Play again,” the game will reset itself. Enjoy your chess-playing experience!
Last Update | 29 July 2023 |
Published | 29 July 2023 |
Files Included | Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift |
Software Version | Flutter 3.x |
Tags | chess flutter, chess game, chess ios/android, chess ios/android/web, flutter, flutter chess, flutter chess game, flutter game, mobile chess game |