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Full Screen Navigation

Full Screen Navigation

Category: Navigation
$6 Free
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Last updated: 04 Jan 16


“Full Screen Navigation” is a navigation plugin ready to use on mobile devices and desktop devices. It’s a non-conventional navigation component to provide a modern look to your website. Is very customizable, compatible with the major browsers and has a high level documentation.

Responsive Design “Full Screen Navigation” is fluid and is ready for use in desktops, tablets and mobile devices

5 navigation types Lists, boxes, circles or whatever element you think be useful for your site’s navigation

Last Update 4 January 2016
Published 4 January 2016
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags full screen menu, full screen navigation, full screen overlay, jquery menu, jquery navigation, menu, mobile menu, mobile navigation, navigation, overlay effects, web component, wide navigation