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GetFund - A Professional Laravel Crowdfunding Platform

GetFund - A Professional Laravel Crowdfunding Platform

$99 Free
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Last updated: 17 Apr 23


GetFund is an innovative crowdfunding application that empowers users to create and manage crowdfunding campaigns with ease. Whether you have a creative project, a charitable cause, or a business idea, GetFund provides a platform for you to share your story, gather support from the community, and raise funds to bring your dreams to life.

With GetFund, creating a crowdfunding campaign is simple and user-friendly. Users can easily create a campaign by providing a compelling description of their project or cause, setting a fundraising goal, and uploading relevant images to showcase their vision.

GetFund offers two types of campaigns, donation-based and reward-based crowdfunding, allowing users to choose the model that best aligns with their funding needs. Campaign creators can also set deadlines and milestones to create a sense of urgency and motivate supporters to contribute.

Last Update 17 April 2023
Published 19 April 2017
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework Laravel
Software Version PHP 7.x
Tags campaign, charity, contribution, crowd funding, crowd sourcing, crowdfunding, donation, donations, fund, fund raiser, funding, fundraising, indiegogo, kickstarter