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Jquery Text Arch

Jquery Text Arch

$5 Free
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Last updated: 27 Dec 12


textArch.js is a jQuery plugin that will help you create and customize various text arches. It works with all font types, including the ones from Google fonts and TypeKit. It works on all major browsers, and on all OS’s.

To help you get started with our plugin, we created an app that will help you style your text arch just the way you want. Once the job is done, the app will generate the all the code for you. Simply copy and paste it into your project. Its as easy as that.

Last Update 27 December 2012
Published 20 December 2012
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS
Software Version jQuery
Tags arc, arch, circle, fit, javascript, jquery, path, plugin, round, text