Mastcard is a full application template of the Virtual Prepaid Card Issuing Flutter App. Prepaid virtual cards give businesses the ability to issue cards to employees, gig workers, customers, and other recipients. The cards are connected to an account that the business controls. The business can then push funds to those cards. If you are interested to develop your Virtual Prepaid Card Issuing Android and iOS app. So Mastcard is perfect for yours. It is a full application UI KIT developed by Flutter. It contains 20+ awesome screens with various kinds of UI. It’s made a lot easier for all developers. Anyone can run apps by following the project instructions.
Last Update | 20 March 2023 |
Published | 4 October 2022 |
Files Included | Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .plist, .swift |
Software Version | Flutter 3.x |
Tags | credit card, debit card, flutterwave card, mastercard, virtual card, virtual prepaid card |