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Multi Vendor eCommerce Website in ASP MVC .NET 8 - eCommerce CMS

Multi Vendor eCommerce Website in ASP MVC .NET 8 - eCommerce CMS

Category: eCommerce
$38 Free
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Last updated: 12 Feb 24


I have included the postman collection in the project for APIs testing. This postman collection has all the APIs that used by the Front End React Js App

This multi-vendor e-commerce platform offers all the features that a modern online shop should have. The platform comprises of various modules such as product management, sales management, discount management, user management, and product attribute management. Additionally, it is equipped with secure online payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. The admin panel, built using ASP MVC .NET 8, offers a streamlined management experience and supports multiple languages. The customer portal, developed using React JS and ASP.NET 8 REST APIs, guarantees a pleasant shopping experience. The platform is supported by a powerful MS SQL database.

Last Update 12 February 2024
Published 14 October 2022
High Resolution No
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included Active Server Control ASCX, Active Server Page ASPX, C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, Layered PNG
Software Version .NET 8.x
Tags asp mvc .net 8 ecommerce website, e-commerce builder, e-commerce software, e-commerce solution, ecommerce cms, eCommerce laravel, ecommerce shop, ecommerce site, ecommerce store, ecommerce website, ecommerce website design, multi vendor ecommerce website, online store, shopping website, store saas