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OXOO - Flutter Live TV & Movie Portal App for iOS And Android

OXOO - Flutter Live TV & Movie Portal App for iOS And Android

$189 Free
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Last updated: 09 Dec 24


OXOO Flutter is an amazing android live TV & movie portal application.Which included PHP admin dashboard script. You will able to maintain all of your changes easily by use this dashboard. It’s will give the best experience in entertainment as an author of IPTV or Movie application/site owner. It’s a smart application with an easy tools setting. You and your client can watch movie and live TV on Android devices without any hassle.OXOO Flutter is not only an application but also a supper application with a super UI/UX too. You can manage your TV channel using by PHP Dashboard & it’s another special & smart option for user because it’s not only Dashboard OXOO Flutter included android source code too. It’s also a plug-in of “OVOO – Live TV & Movie Portal CMS with Unlimited TV-Series” you can easily integrate this application with OVOO PHP Script. Please find ovoo script here:

To observe of ISP needed we have made OXOO Flutter use as a multipurpose entertainment App. This application was built with advanced modules and many more powerful features for a complete entertainment app management. Furthermore, it also supports Admob Ads, Onesignal Notification that help to earn money & interact with the client with new content. Admin Dashboard developed with highly customizable PHP based (CodeIgniter) application Framework.

Last Update 21 July 2023
Published 12 August 2021
Files Included Dart, YAML, .java, .plist, .swift, CSS, PHP
Software Version Flutter 2.x
Tags android tv, flix, iptv, live streaming, live tv, live tv app, mobile tv, movie, Neoflex, netflix, online tv, oxoo, twitch, youtube live