This is a form design, and not a working functional form! This kit stuff will save you a lot of time when creating websites! They’re really easy to use and have very nice interfaces. Enjoy!
Features: - 2 HTML5+CSS3 Forms - Clean & simple design - Google web font - Normal, hover & pressed buttons state - Icons: Font Awesome - Easy to install on any site - Easily customize yourself - Animation was created exclusively on one css and jquery, without using images, which reduces the load on the site and saves the user’s traffic
Last Update | 2 December 2014 |
Published | 2 December 2014 |
Compatible Browsers | Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Files Included | JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS |
Software Version | CSS2, CSS3 |
Tags | animated forms, animation, css forms, css only, flat forms, form, html forms, log in, register, sign in form, sign up form, validation, validations |