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TRZ Battleship - HTML5 Strategy game

TRZ Battleship - HTML5 Strategy game

Category: Games
$25 Free
Last updated: 04 Jan 23


In alternate turns, you must guess the positions of all enemy ships, one shot at a time, and defeat them all. But do it before the opponent annihilates all yours!

Note 1: Only ‘Player X CPU’Note2: The CPU formations were pre-generated and are in this string. This code does not generate random formations for the CPU.

Last Update 4 January 2023
Published 28 September 2022
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version HTML5, Construct 3
Tags battle, battleship, boat, bomb, grid, marine, missile, naval, sea, squad, strategy