Convert Website to a Flutter App, Web View App, Web to App. Complate solutions available using UniversalWeb app source code, create your app in just few minutes without coding skill.
You can create the bottom navigation dynamically, and you can add / update / delete the Bottom menu
Splash screen, onboarding screen, App theme, colors, icons, menus, website url all are manage within app
Last Update | 8 April 2023 |
Published | 26 September 2019 |
Files Included | Dart, YAML, JavaScript JSON, .java, .kotlin, .h, .plist, .swift |
Software Version | Flutter 3.x |
Tags | android web app, android web view app, android webview, browser app, dtweb, flutter 3 full app, flutter webviiew app, ios web app, ios web view app, ios webview app, universal web view app, web to app, web to app flutter |