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WoWonder Desktop - A Windows Messenger For WoWonder Social Script

WoWonder Desktop - A Windows Messenger For WoWonder Social Script

Category: Windows
$39 Free
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Last updated: 17 Feb 23


WoWonder Desktop is a windows chat application for WoWonder PHP social network , with our application users can chat together on their PCs using our new application, now chat is faster, easier, and more fun ! WoWonder Desktop is easy, secured, and it will be regularly updated.

Last Update 17 February 2023
Published 30 September 2016
High Resolution Yes
Compatible OS Versions Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 Desktop, Windows 8 Metro, Windows 10
Application Runtime Native
Tags application, c, chat application, desktop messenger, messenger, social network, wowonder, wowonder desktop, wowonder light, wowonder messenger, wpf